Average rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars
Content: 0.086 kg (€267.33 / kg)
Content: 0.04 kg (€249.75 / kg)
Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars
Content: 0.053 kg (€131.89 / kg)
Content: 0.068 kg (€102.79 / kg)
Content: 0.4 kg (€62.48 / kg)
Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars
Content: 0.089 kg (€224.61 / kg)
Content: 0.04 kg (€249.75 / kg)
Content: 0.11 kg (€181.73 / kg)
Content: 0.036 kg (€277.50 / kg)
Content: 0.08 kg (€124.88 / kg)
Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars
Content: 0.037 kg (€270.00 / kg)
Content: 0.031 kg (€160.97 / kg)
Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars
Content: 0.097 kg (€82.37 / kg)
Content: 0.054 kg (€185.00 / kg)
Content: 0.072 kg (€138.75 / kg)
Content: 0.07 kg (€142.71 / kg)
Content: 0.05 L (€199.80 / L)
Average rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars
Content: 0.224 kg (€66.92 / kg)
Content: 0.088 kg (€227.16 / kg)
Content: 0.03 kg (€333.00 / kg)
Content: 0.04 kg (€249.75 / kg)
Content: 0.036 kg (€221.94 / kg)
Content: 0.032 kg (€312.19 / kg)
Content: 0.13 kg (€153.77 / kg)
Content: 0.039 kg (€461.28 / kg)
Content: 0.085 kg (€211.65 / kg)
Content: 0.097 kg (€257.63 / kg)
Content: 0.038 kg (€394.47 / kg)
Vegan food supplements: which nutrients do you need?
The vegan diet offers numerous health benefits. However, there are a few things to bear in mind. Vegans can fall short of certain nutrients. If you follow a vegan diet, food supplements can help you to cover your daily requirements. You can find out which supplements are essential and what you should look out for when buying vegan supplements here.
Vitamin B12 against fatigue and for strong nerves
Vitamin B12 is found almost exclusively in animal foods and should therefore be supplemented as part of a vegan diet. Small amounts of vitamin B12 can also be found in plant-based foods, e.g. in fermented products such as sauerkraut, kimchi or tempeh, but this is not enough to cover the requirement.
Vitamin B12: Which vegan food supplements are suitable?
Vegans should rely on high-dose vitamin B12 supplements (e.g. our B12 lozenges). With a high dosage, B12 can also be absorbed by passive diffusion and thus prevent an insufficient supply. Food supplements should also contain the active B12 forms methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin. We also use these two forms in our B12 drops, for example. In contrast to synthetically produced cyanocobalamin, which is often used in vegan supplements, the active forms can be better absorbed and utilised by the body.
You can read more about the different forms of B12 and how to recognise a B12 deficiency in the following blog posts:
Vitamin D strengthens the immune system and bones
Vitamin D is considered a critical nutrient regardless of diet. According to data from the Robert Koch Institute, more than half of German adults are insufficiently supplied with vitamin D. Particularly in the winter months, when vitamin D cannot be synthesised in the skin, the vitamin should be taken in via food supplements.
Vitamin D: What do I need to consider with food supplements?
The vitamin D3 used in dietary supplements is often not vegan, but is obtained from the animal raw material lanolin (wool wax). However, vitamin D3 can also come from vegan alternatives. The vitamin D in the nutri+ D3 + K2 Depot Tablets and the D3+K2 Drops comes from lichen.
You can read more about vitamin D in the blog post Vitamin D – intake, deficiency, effect, requirement.
At nutri+ you will find numerous products that have been specially developed for a vegan lifestyle. We use high-quality ingredients in our vegan food supplements, rely on evidence-based dosing and avoid unnecessary additives.
Omega-3 fatty acids for the brain and blood vessels
Long-chain Omega-3 fatty acids are mainly found in oily sea fish and algae. Plants and nuts provide the omega-3 fatty acid α-linolenic acid. This is one of the essential nutrients and can be converted by the body into long-chain fatty acids. However, this conversion is very limited, which is why vegans should supplement the long-chain omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA.
Omega-3: Which vegan nutritional supplements are suitable?
If you supplement omega-3 with algae & oil capsules, you should make sure that the food supplement contains both long-chain omega-3 fatty acids. Our Omega-3 Vegan Capsules contain both DHA and EPA in an optimal ratio
Even if the ingredients are vegan, gelatine is used as a capsule shell in many capsule products. So when buying your vegan food supplements, pay attention to the list of ingredients or buy directly from a purely vegan company such as nutri+.
Vegan nutritional supplements: which nutrients are still useful?
There are a number of other critical nutrients that you should keep an eye on when following a vegan diet. These include vitamin B2,iron, zinc, selenium, iodine and calcium. These micronutrients are often obtained from animal products such as meat or dairy products. The risk of an inadequate supply is therefore increased in vegans. Signs of a deficiency can be, for example, persistent tiredness and fatigue, impaired wound healing or increased susceptibility to infections. The vegan combination of nutrients Vegan Essentials provides you with all the micronutrients that can be lacking in a plant-based diet diet. This will ensure that you are sufficiently nourished in your everyday life.