Boost testosterone naturally: 5 tips
The sex hormone testosterone is considered THE booster for muscle building. The success of the majority of artificially produced steroids (anabolic steroids) is based on an imitation of the male sex hormone. However, artificially produced testosterone is also often used directly. But why expose yourself to unnecessary health risks when you can boost your own testosterone production? Today we have five tips for you on how to boost your testosterone levels naturally.
Testosterone is one of the male sex hormones (androgens). It not only influences sexuality and the psyche, but also the development of muscles and bones. It is also said to have a strong anabolic (muscle-building) effect. At the same time, it reduces fat mass. From around the age of 40, testosterone levels in men fall by 1-2% per year. However, it is not only age that causes a decrease in the male sex hormone. Chronic stress, obesity or metabolic disorders such as diabetes can also lead to a deficiency. Typical signs of this include obesity, lack of drive, muscle loss and a loss of libido.
Table of contentsHow to boost your testosterone production
1. reduce excess weight and fatty tissue
Studies show that too many extra kilos in men increase oestradiol levels in the blood. Oestradiol is one of the female sex hormones (oestrogens), but is also present in small amounts in the male body. Both the reproductive organs (e.g. testicles) and fatty tissue are able to produce oestrogen. Therefore, the more fat cells, the more oestradiol - and vice versa. The hormone promotes the build-up of fat and can lead to so-called man boobs in overweight men, for example. Experts often refer to this as a vicious circle. In addition, oestradiol is formed from testosterone, among other things. The increased oestradiol production is therefore also at the expense of the male sex hormone. Abdominal fat is particularly dangerous, as this fatty tissue is very active. The abdominal circumference in men should therefore be less than 94 cm.
You can find out how to get rid of harmful belly fat in our article "How do you get rid of harmful belly fat?"
2. optimal nutrient supply
The micronutrientszinc and magnesium play an important role in testosterone production. It is therefore no wonder that a deficiency also results in low testosterone levels. Both zinc and magnesium are lost through sweat. Athletes in particular should therefore make sure they have a sufficient intake (tip: with one of our Zinc Tablets you can already cover your entire daily requirement of zinc).
Vitamin D is also involved in the formation of the sex hormone. Researchers are therefore investigating the effect of vitamin D supplementation on testosterone levels in men. After one year, vitamin D supplementation showed significantly higher testosterone levels. In contrast, no significant changes in testosterone levels were observed in the placebo group. To counteract the drop in vitamin D levels during the winter months, we recommend taking supplements such as our Sun Vitamin or Sport Essentials.
.An optimal supply of micronutrients is therefore essential for testosterone production. But macronutrients should not be neglected either. Testosterone is a steroid hormone whose precursor is cholesterol. To produce cholesterol, the body in turn needs fats. So make sure that your diet contains enough simple (e.g. in olive oil) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (e.g. avocado, nuts). Protein intake also influences the metabolism of the male sex hormone. In particular, BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids) are often the focus here. Studies show that BCAA supplementation leads to higher testosterone levels. However, the following applies to protein: both too little and too much protein lower testosterone levels. A range of 20-30% of calorie intake is ideal.
The perfect food for more testosterone is oatmeal. Not only do they provide the body with many nutrients (including zinc and magnesium), they are also real testosterone boosters. The avenacosides found in them bind to sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) and thus ensure more dihydrotestosterone (the biologically active form of the hormone) in the blood.
Furthermore, green, rose and cauliflower should end up on your plate more often. This is because the diindolylmethane (DIM) it contains inhibits the enzyme that turns testosterone into oestradiol.
3. creatine
Creatine is one of the most popular sports supplements and also influences testosterone metabolism. In one study, 25 g of creatine was initially supplemented daily. After 7 days, the intake was reduced to 5 g per day and this was maintained for 14 days. The amount of testosterone and its active form (dihydrotestosterone) was then analysed. The result: the testosterone levels in the blood were unchanged, but dihydrotestosterone was increased by 56% (after 7 days) and 40% (after 14 days).
4. sport
Moderate endurance sessions (< 60 minutes) or strength training are ideal for boosting testosterone production. High-intensity interval training (HIIT for short) is particularly effective. But please don't overdo it: very long strength training sessions or marathons are counterproductive. Anyone who practices intensive sports should therefore have their testosterone levels checked by a doctor once or twice a year and adjust their training plan if necessary.
5. interval fasting
Intermittent fasting or intermittent fasting is not only a great way to lose a few kilos, but this diet also boosts testosterone production. According to one study, by as much as 180%! Luteinising hormone (also known as gonadoliberin or gonadotropin-releasing hormone) is released in greater quantities during periods of fasting. This stimulates testosterone production
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