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Why should you also take vitamin D supplements in summer?

Vitamin D can be produced by the body itself. The prerequisite for this is that the sun shines from the sky and reaches our skin in sufficient intensity. This is the case in summer and we can actually produce sufficient quantities of the vitamin. You don't need supplements, do you? Not at all! In today's blog post, we explain why a supply can also be at risk in summer.

Table of contents:
  1. Vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin
  2. How can vitamin D deficiency be prevented?
  3. What is the difference between vitamin D2 and D3?
  4. Can you overdose on vitamin D?

Vitamin D, the vitamin of the sun

Vitamin D is primarily needed for healthy bones and muscles as well as a strong immune system. In recent years, there has also been increasing evidence that it can prevent or delay the development of numerous diseases. Cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, dementia and depression are just some of the diseases associated with the so-called sun vitamin. We can only absorb small amounts of it through food, so we are dependent on the intake of supplements or self-production by the sun. With the latter, however, we are faced with a dilemma.

The dark side of solar radiation

The sun - or more precisely the UVB rays - is not only responsible for the production of vitamin D, but can also cause something else: skin cancer. More and more young people - especially women - are affected by this type of tumour. Every year, around 264,880 Germans are newly diagnosed with skin cancer. Skin cancer rates have been rising dramatically for years. This is partly due to our longer lifespan, frequent holidays in the sun and insufficient protective measures.

One risk factor for the development of skin cancer can be easily avoided: Excessive sun exposure. The use of sun cream with a high sun protection factor (at least SPF 30) is therefore essential in summer. The fact is, however, that sun protection reduces vitamin D synthesis in the skin.

How can a vitamin D deficiency be prevented?

Unfortunately, experts do not yet know how much sun is enough to produce sufficient vitamin D without increasing the risk of skin cancer. To be on the safe side, you should therefore consistently protect yourself from the sun and take vitamin D supplements even in summer. Sun protection not only reduces the risk of skin cancer, excessive UV radiation also causes the skin to age faster and promotes the development of pigmentation spots. Many day creams already contain a sun protection factor per se.

Vitamin D supplementation made easy

Adults should take 20 µg of vitamin D daily. As it is difficult to meet the vitamin D requirement through food, taking a supplement is recommended. According to data from the Robert Koch Institute, around 60% of adults in Germany are not optimally supplied with the sun vitamin. Seniors are a typical risk group for a vitamin D deficiency, as their own production via the skin decreases with increasing age. Anyone who spends time in the office during the day and is rarely outside will not produce enough vitamin D even without sun cream and should also take supplementary tablets in summer. The body can store this, so it is not necessary to take a tablet every day. The sun vitamin from Nutri-Plus is so highly dosed that you only need to take one tablet every 20 days.

What is the difference between vitamin D2 and D3?

A distinction is made between vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol, mainly found in plant-based foods) and vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol, mainly found in animal-based foods), depending on where it is found. Vitamin D3 is characterised by better bioavailability, which is why supplements often contain this form. Unfortunately, artificially produced D3 is rarely vegan, as it is made from wool wax (lanolin) or fish oil. Supposedly vegan foods such as vegetable margarine cannot be made vegan by adding D3. Fortunately, there are now also vegan production methods. The D3 in our Nutri-Plus sun vitamin is obtained from lichen, for example.

Can you overdose on vitamin D?

Cholecalciferol - the chemical name for the sun vitamin - must first be converted into its active form in the body in order to be effective. This only happens as required. Undesirable side effects therefore only occur when very high quantities are taken daily. You should therefore always adhere to the recommended intake of the preparation.
