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Sweet-Savory Protein-Pancakes mit "Bacon"


  1. Preheat the oven to 160 degrees.
  2. Prepare the spice mix for the bacon: put the rapeseed oil, soy sauce, tomato puree, smoked salt, mustard, garlic powder and paprika powder in a small bowl and mix well.
  3. Carefully break apart the rice leaves, dip briefly in water and then marinate in the spice mixture.
  4. Spread the marinated rice leaves on a baking tray lined with baking paper and bake in the oven for about 7 minutes.
  5. In the meantime, mix all the ingredients for the pancakes well with a hand mixer.
  6. Heat a pan with a little oil and use a tablespoon to pour small pancakes into the pan.
  7. Fry the pancakes over a low to medium heat until they are golden brown.
  8. Top the pancakes with the bacon and maple syrup and enjoy.

Nutri-Plus wishes you bon appétit!

Created by: @healthvy_sarah
150 g Nutri-Plus Pancakes Vanilla
200 ml plant-based drink
100 ml sparkling water

Zutaten "Bacon":

1-2 Blätter Reispapier
1 EL Rapsöl
2 EL Sojasauce
1 EL Tomatenmark
1 TL Rauchsalz
1 TL Senf
½ TL Knoblauchpulver
1 TL Paprikapulver edelsüß
¼ TL Paprikapulver geräuchert
Außerdem: Ahornsirup