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Lose weight: How glucomannan tricks your hunger!

Losing weight is at the top of many people's list of New Year's resolutions. In order to lose weight successfully, you should not only consume more calories through exercise, but also fewer calories. Sounds simple, if it weren't for hunger. You can find out how Glucomannan can help you to trick your hunger in our blog post.

Fill up faster with konjac root

Our feelings of hunger and satiety are controlled by complex mechanisms. One of the first signals is sent by the mechanoreceptors in our stomach When we eat food, the stomach wall expands and the brain receives an early satiety signal.

Our Kilopurzler capsules contain glucomannan and support your weight loss. The water-soluble fibre is extracted from the konjac root and swells in the stomach. This fills your stomach faster and the receptors in the stomach wall transmit a feeling of fullness more quickly. The increased mass in your stomach also slows down its emptying process and the feeling of fullness lasts longer.

Numerous scientific studies confirm the positive effect on weight loss. When a calorie-reduced diet was supported by taking glucomannan, the study participants lost significantly more weight. For example, one study showed that taking 1g of glucomannan three times a day led to an average 5.5kg increase in weight loss.

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has also confirmed the effect of glucomannan. The health claim "Glucomannan contributes to weight loss as part of a low-calorie diet" is accepted under EU guidelines. You can find out more about glucomannan here.

Fuller for longer: less hunger thanks to glucomannan

Hormones are also involved in controlling hunger and satiety. Leptin and ghrelin play an important role here. While leptin is released after eating and has a satiating effect, ghrelin is considered the hunger hormone and stimulates the appetite. During periods of fasting, the concentration in the blood rises, and after eating, the concentration falls again accordingly. Glucomannan is also said to influence the feeling of hunger by reducing the concentration of the hunger hormone ghrelin. After eating, a greater drop in ghrelin levels was observed when taking glucomannan. After four weeks, a reduced increase in fasting ghrelin was also observed. The feeling of hunger normally caused by ghrelin may therefore be weakened by taking glucomannan.

In addition, glucomannan has a positive effect on blood sugar and cholesterol levels and is even said to have a favourable effect on the intestinal flora.
