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Alkaline fasting: Fit and balanced into the summer

Fasting has numerous positive effects on our body and mind. In spring and summer in particular, many people therefore opt for fasting cures in order to have more energy, detoxify the body or lose a few unwanted kilos. Sounds great in itself, but voluntary food deprivation sounds more like torture to you? Then alkaline fasting might be for you.

Alkaline fasting is also known as the mild form of fasting. Instead of completely abstaining from solid foods, it only excludes certain food groups. The big advantage over therapeutic fasting is that you don't have to go hungry and can eat your fill. This makes alkaline fasting easy to implement and simple to integrate into everyday life.

Alkaline fasting: what's behind it

Through our lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits, we add an excess of acids to our bodies. This can overload our excretory organs (e.g. the kidneys) and the excess acids need to be balanced out with alkalis. To do this, the body draws on the minerals in the blood and - when these are depleted - on our reserves in bones and muscles. It is therefore important that we provide the body with enough minerals and reduce acid-forming foods and habits. Unfortunately, this is not always so easy with a busy everyday life and numerous unhealthy temptations.

Read more about acid-base balance here.

The aim of alkaline fasting is to deacidify the body and bring the acid-alkaline balance into equilibrium. This form of fasting therefore focuses on an alkaline diet. Acid-forming foods (e.g. animal products) are not included in the diet. De-acidifying the body should lead to more energy and prevent the development of certain diseases (e.g. osteoporosis, gout or skin problems). A nice side effect is often weight loss.

Alkaline fasting: the benefits

Alkaline fasting is quickly explained and easy to implement. If you want to give it a try, you can start with one week. The advantage over therapeutic fasting: as you eat a diet rich in vitamins and minerals, there is virtually no risk of nutrient deficiencies (with the exception of vitamin B12, which should be supplemented). In addition, an alkalising cure often leads to a long-term, healthier change in eating habits. Alkaline fasting can also be carried out several times a year. In contrast to completely abstaining from food, it is less stressful on the body and requires less discipline and willpower.

Alkaline fasting: how it works

If you want to do alkaline fasting, you should add fruit, vegetables, salads, herbs and sprouts to your shopping list. Cold-pressed oils (e.g. olive and walnut oil), potatoes, sweet potatoes and nuts and seeds (e.g. walnuts or pumpkin seeds) are also permitted. Wholemeal cereals and products as well as pulses should be avoided during a cure. They are among the so-called good acid formers. This means that although they have an acidifying effect, they still contain many health-promoting ingredients. They are therefore not allowed during a cure, but they should not be missing from our everyday diet.

In general, this form of fasting avoids all animal-based foods. White flour, sugar, sweets, soft drinks, alcohol, nicotine and caffeine are also taboo. Processed foods are avoided - meals are freshly prepared. In addition, at least two litres of fluid should be drunk per day to support the kidneys in their excretory function. If you fancy something sweet, you can reach for dried (unsulphurised) figs or dates.

You can also support alkaline fasting with our alkaline powder. The minerals it contains support the body in maintaining the acid-base balance.