Content: 0.036 kg (€277.50 / kg)
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Content: 0.097 kg (€82.37 / kg)
Content: 0.068 kg (€102.79 / kg)
Content: 0.085 kg (€211.65 / kg)
Content: 0.1 kg (€99.90 / kg)
Women's health
Nutrients for every phase of life
A balanced and healthy diet is particularly important for women to support hormonal balance, bone health and general well-being. Women's nutritional needs change with age. For example, women have different micronutrient requirements due to factors such as menstruation, pregnancy, breastfeeding and hormonal changes during the menopause.
Complaints during or before the period (premenstrual syndrome, abbreviated to PMS) also present the female body with a monthly challenge.
Nutrients for young women
During young adulthood and puberty, nutrients are important for growth and development. First and foremost, iron, folic acid, vitamin D and calcium play a special role.
Iron: The monthly loss of blood during menstruation ensures that the need for iron is significantly higher in women than in men. The risk of iron deficiency is therefore higher in women.
Folic acid: Folic acid is particularly important for the female organism if a woman wants to become pregnant. Folic acid plays an important role in cell division and can reduce the risk of neural tube defects.
Important: Do you want to get pregnant? Women should start taking a folic acid supplement (> 400 micrograms per day) before pregnancy in order to reduce the risk of neural tube defects.
Calcium and vitamin D: these two micronutrients are essential for bone health and can help prevent osteoporosis in later life. This is because women in particular are affected by osteoporosis in old age much more frequently than men.
What are nutrient predators for women?
Hormonal contraceptives such as the contraceptive pill increase the need for nutrients, e.g. B vitamins (especially folic acid and vitamin B12), zinc or magnesium. Stress and high physical exertion, for example through intensive training, are further nutrient robbers.
Nutrients during pregnancy and breastfeeding
During pregnancy and while breastfeeding, a woman's nutritional requirements are particularly high, as her body not only has to provide for itself, but also for the growing child.
The following nutrients are particularly important during this phase of life: protein, folic acid, iodine, vitamin B12 and omega-3 fatty acids.
You can find more detailed information on nutrition during pregnancy or breastfeeding in our blog posts: Nutritional supplements for pregnant women - What expectant mothers really need and Nutritional supplements for pregnant women - Part 2
Nutrients during the menopause
With the transition to the menopause, oestrogen levels drop, which brings a variety of physical changes with it. This can lead to hot flushes, sleep disorders, sweating and palpitations.
An adequate supply of micronutrients is particularly important in this phase of a woman's life. The micronutrients vitamin B6, calcium and vitamin D are of central importance. Vitamin B6 contributes to the regulation of hormonal activity.